About Us

Message from the Principal

We extend a warm welcome and hope you and your family will form a close and rewarding partnership with our school. At Balwyn Primary School, our culture as a learning community values the whole child and strives to develop strong confidence, resilience and independence.

Our guiding principle is to provide educational excellence through vibrant teaching and stimulating learning programs in an affirming, secure and structured learning environment.

We provide a developmental curriculum within a multi-age setting. This child centred approach acknowledges that children learn at different rates and have preferred learning styles. We are committed in providing a stimulating and supportive environment, with engaging and challenging educational programs.



At Balwyn Primary School we aim to develop in our students a love of learning, strong communication skills, the ability to be responsible, creative and critical thinkers and be socially conscious and connected.

We believe that all students need care and support as they grow. Students are better prepared for learning when they are happy, safe and healthy and our learning environment promotes integrity, self-motivation and empathy.

As a caring learning community, we promote ‘norms’ rather than ‘rules’ based upon values that will frame attitudes, behaviours and responsibilities.

The school highly values education as a partnership of children, staff, parents, and the local community.

Olivia Richards


2026 Foundation (Prep) Enrolment

The Department of Education has released the statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline for the 2026 school year advising families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school. 

You can find information and resources about the timeline, including factsheets and a poster at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).

You will be able to apply to enrol your child in Foundation (Prep) 2026 at Balwyn Primary School from 22 April 2025 through the online system for new enrolments to Victorian government schools called VicStudents. The link to enrol via VicStudents is:  https://students.educationapps.vic.gov.au/s/

Years 1-6 Enrolments

If you are wishing to enrol your child and they currently attend another Victorian Government Primary School, please contact the school office on 9836 7121 or email  regarding the enrolment process.

If you are enrolling in a Victorian government primary school for the first time, please make an application online via VicStudents:

We require the following documents to be submitted with all applications:

  • Birth certificate or passport
  • Student Visa (if applicable)
  • Australian Immunisation Statement
  • 100 points worth of documentation to support Residential Address Check

VicStudents has been assessed by the Department of Education to a high degree of security in line with the Victorian Protective Data Security Standards and is compliant with ISO 27001, the leading international standard for information security.

Our school zone

Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria. 

Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.

Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.

For more information, you can:


School Philosophy

Nurturing global citizens for personal success in an ever changing world. We strive to provide educational excellence through vibrant teaching and a challenging, innovative and relevant curriculum which enables students to become internationally minded, responsible and respectful lifelong learners. We aim to develop in our students a love of learning, strong communication skills, the ability to be creative and critical thinkers and to be socially connected and resilient. Our school values the whole child and strives to develop strong self-esteem, confidence and independence within a stimulating, supportive and collaborative learning environment.

Student voice is valued and encouraged to shape and influence learning. We provide a developmental, differentiated curriculum with personalised learning within a multi-age structure. Our child centred approach acknowledges that children learn at different rates and have preferred learning styles. As a caring learning community we promote ‘norms’ based upon values that will frame attitudes, behaviours and responsibilities. Throughout the year, students participate in programs which practise human values, encourage a sense of personal responsibility and empower them to make conscious, considered choices. Students are supported to develop and apply their thinking in a productive, supportive and relevant learning context A technology rich environment supports student learning and our strong commitment to providing opportunities to enrich and enhance student learning is articulated through our Learning Enhancement program.

The school highly values education as a partnership of children, staff, parents and the local community. Our motto “Aim High” and School Values underpin our philosophy and these values are embedded in our teaching and learning programs and are reinforced through our student negotiated norms. The values that form the basis for all our learning are: Responsibility, Respect, Integrity, Belonging and Empathy.

Acknowledgement of Country

Balwyn Primary School acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we learn and work, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our learning community.

We recognise and celebrate the rich cultural heritage, and contributions of First Nations peoples. We are committed to fostering a learning environment that respects and values their histories, cultures, and perspectives.


History of Balwyn Primary School

The history of Balwyn Primary School reflects many parallels existent today. The school was established by a group of enterprising local residents keen to provide an education for their students. The opening ceremony was well attended and the participants enjoyed music, singing and recitations.

That was back in 1868 and the same strong parental support and interest is still apparent. This is backed by a dedicated staff committed to providing quality programs.

Opening of school at site of present RSL (22 pupils)

Official title granted – Common School No 1026 Balwyn Road, Boroondara

Gordon Bennett appointed headmaster

The first music teacher appointed to teach singing

Moved to present site (120 pupils)

271 pupils. Despite extensions, the adjoining Parish Hall had to be leased

A gymnasium class for girls commenced at St Barnabas

1914 – 1915
Purchase of land facing Rochester Road

Second storey section built (608 pupils)

Fire!! 83 years of records destroyed

New buildings completed including an assembly hall

New hall opened

Balwyn Primary School – A School of the Future!

Early Years of Schooling Complex opened

Top Flats – Synthetic Grass Opening

Redevelopment of Rochester Road Flats – synthetic grass and mural

Completion of ICT Capable Classrooms Initiative

Opening of New ‘Prep-2 Learning Space’

Planting of the BPS Vegie Garden, “The G”

A new shade structure – The Pavilion is erected

Two new classrooms are installed as Balwyn grows

Student numbers continue to grow – a further two classrooms are installed on the Rochester Road Flats

Refurbishment of the Music Centre

Two large sandpits installed north of the P-2 learning space
New synthetic turf and a running track on the Top Flats

The Piazza is repaved and shade sails installed
Two new classrooms on the north side, new 3-6 playground and ropes equipment
Large shade sail over the sandpits on north side of F-2 learning space

Two new classrooms, Amphitheatre, 150th Anniversary Celebration

Prep active and passive play space in the North West corner
Large shade sail installed above the 1/2 playground equipment
Tree placement and hedging along Northern boundary

Large pavilion shade sail is repaired following damage from high winds

Sandpits renovated and enlarged

Shade Sale installed 3/4 Ampitheatre
Southern Boundary Passive Play Space and Garden